ns plugin add @nativescript/background-http
The below attached code snippets demonstrate how to use @nativescript/background-http
to upload single or multiple files.
Call init
before the app starts to initialize the http background service
import { init } from '@nativescript/background-http'
Sample code for configuring the upload session. Each session must have a unique id
, but it can have multiple tasks running simultaneously. The id
is passed as a parameter when creating the session (the image-upload
string in the code below):
// file path and url
var file = '/some/local/file/path/and/file/name.jpg'
var url = 'https://some.remote.service.com/path'
var name = file.substr(file.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)
// upload configuration
var bghttp = require('@nativescript/background-http')
var session = bghttp.session('image-upload')
var request = {
url: url,
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'
description: 'Uploading ' + name
For a single file upload, use the following code:
var task = session.uploadFile(file, request);
For multiple files or to pass additional data, use the multipart upload method. All parameter values must be strings:
var params = [
{ name: "test", value: "value" },
{ name: "fileToUpload", filename: file, mimeType: "image/jpeg" }
var task = session.multipartUpload(params, request);
In order to have a successful upload, the following must be taken into account:
The request object parameter has the following properties:
Name | Type | Description |
url | string | The request url (e.g.https://some.remote.service.com/path ). |
method | string | The request method (e.g. POST ). |
headers | object | Used to specify additional headers. |
description | string | Used to help identify the upload task locally - not sent to the remote server. |
utf8 | boolean | (Android only/multipart only) If true, sets the charset for the multipart request to UTF-8. Default is false. |
androidNotificationOnProgressTitle | string | Use this to set the on progress title shown in the Android notifications center. |
androidNotificationOnProgressMessage | string | Use this to set the on progress message shown in the Android notifications center. |
androidNotificationOnCompleteTitle | string | Use this to set the on complete message shown in the Android notifications center. |
androidNotificationOnCompleteMessage | string | Use this to set the on error title shown in the Android notifications center. |
androidNotificationOnErrorTitle | string | Use this to set the on error title shown in the Android notifications center. |
androidNotificationOnErrorMessage | string | Use this to set the on error message shown in the Android notifications center. |
androidNotificationOnCancelledTitle | string | Use this to set the on cancelled title shown in the Android notifications center. |
androidNotificationOnCancelledMessage | string | Use this to set the on cancelled message shown in the Android notifications center. |
androidAutoDeleteAfterUpload | boolean | (Android only) Used to set if files should be deleted automatically after upload. |
androidMaxRetries | number | (Android only) Used to set the maximum retry count. The default retry count is 0. https://github.com/gotev/android-upload-service/wiki/Recipes#backoff |
androidAutoClearNotification | boolean | (Android only) Used to set if notifications should be cleared automatically upon upload completion. Default is false. Please note that setting this to true will also disable the ringtones. |
androidRingToneEnabled | boolean | (Android only) Used to set if a ringtone should be played upon upload completion. Default is true. Please note that this flag has no effect when androidAutoClearNotification is set to true. |
androidNotificationChannelID | string | (Android only) Used to set the channel ID for the notifications. |
Note :- Android Notification titles/messages can be constructed with one of the following placeholder which will be replaced by the system .
Replaced with the current upload rate/speed [upload_rate]
Replaced with the current upload progress [upload_progress]
Replaced with the elapsed time [upload_elapsed_time]
The task object has the following properties and methods, that can be used to get information about the upload:
Name | Type | Description |
upload | number | Bytes uploaded. |
totalUpload | number | Total number of bytes to upload. |
status | string | One of the following: error , uploading , complete , pending , cancelled . |
description | string | The description set in the request used to create the upload task. |
cancel() | void | Call this method to cancel an upload in progress. |
After the upload task is created you can monitor its progress using the following events:
task.on("progress", progressHandler);
task.on("error", errorHandler);
task.on("responded", respondedHandler);
task.on("complete", completeHandler);
task.on("cancelled", cancelledHandler); // Android only
Each event handler will receive a single parameter with event arguments:
// event arguments:
// task: Task
// currentBytes: number
// totalBytes: number
function progressHandler(e) {
alert("uploaded " + e.currentBytes + " / " + e.totalBytes);
// event arguments:
// task: Task
// responseCode: number
// error: java.lang.Exception (Android) / NSError (iOS)
// response: net.gotev.uploadservice.ServerResponse (Android) / NSHTTPURLResponse (iOS)
function errorHandler(e) {
alert("received " + e.responseCode + " code.");
var serverResponse = e.response;
// event arguments:
// task: Task
// responseCode: number
// data: string
function respondedHandler(e) {
alert("received " + e.responseCode + " code. Server sent: " + e.data);
// event arguments:
// task: Task
// responseCode: number
// response: net.gotev.uploadservice.ServerResponse (Android) / NSHTTPURLResponse (iOS)
function completeHandler(e) {
alert("received " + e.responseCode + " code");
var serverResponse = e.response;
// event arguments:
// task: Task
function cancelledHandler(e) {
alert("upload cancelled");
In order to test the plugin, you must have a server instance to accept the uploads. There are online services that can be used for small file uploads - e.g. http://httpbin.org/post
However, these cannot be used for large files. The plugin repository comes with a simple server you can run locally. Here is how to start it:
cd demo-server
npm i
node server 8080
The above commands will start a server listening on port 8080. Remember to update the URL in your app to match the address/port where the server is running.
If you are using the iOS simulator then http://localhost:8080
should be used to upload to the demo server. If you are using an Android emulator,
should be used instead.
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